Monday, September 24, 2012

How Urgent Care Helps During Flu Season

If flu season is something you worry about, be sure to find a local urgent care to help you to prevent this illness from infecting your home. There are some types of flu that can be very dangerous to a person's health. In fact, influenza kills thousands of people each year. Those with a weakened immune system, the elderly, children and pregnant women are most susceptible to this illnesses more severe form. Yet, chances are good there is help available to you locally to put an end to the problem before it even starts.
Prevention in a Shot
Most of the time, the local urgent care facility will be able to give patients in the area a flu shot. If you are anxious about getting this condition or you are just hoping to avoid it altogether, but you do not want to wait weeks for your local doctor's office to have the shots available, head in to this facility instead. You do not need an appointment. Just walk in and within a few minutes you will be ready to leave protected from this illness.
Cold or Flu?
Once the season gets underway, there will be situations in which you are unsure if you or your child has a head cold or has the flu. Both can have similar symptoms. To find out what you may have, it is best to turn to a local provider to get your questions answered. You also want to use these facilities for help when the condition may be worsening. It can develop into a larger respiratory infection or bronchitis if you are not careful. To find out what you are suffering from, you should visit these centers.
Avoiding Complications
It is also a good idea to visit one of these health centers when you are worried about complications that can stem from this condition. That includes dehydration. Though there are no medications that can cure the flu, there are steps and solutions to help you to avoid the most serious complications. If you do not want to end up in a hospital but the flu is really taking a hold of you this year, it is best to turn to a professional at one of these facilities who can help you. Report any complications you may have right away.
Before the flu comes into your home, make some time to take the entire family to the urgent care. Within a matter of minutes, you will have the prevention you need to avoid the onset of this aliment this year. Even if you are already feeling ill, heading in for treatment now can mean you avoid the worst possible illness.

Monday, September 17, 2012

5 Things to Do Before You Stick Anything in Your Mouth

Every Sunday morning you will find me at Organic Garden, shopping for some of the fresh produce that was picked the night before.
They even have signs that read "Florida Fresh! Picked Last Night! It's a good idea to buy as much as you can from local farmers as it helps out your community, saves on transportation and the food is fresher
Florida isn't known for its organic food but at the Sunday organic market It's really the best and for more than just being fresh.
Let me tell you why.
I am very much a believer in vibrations that's why I practice Medical Qi Gong and Energetic medicine.
If you are buying something and especially if that something is food that you are about to eat or feed to your family, you don't want any bad vibes or low energy from the store or restaurant.
Foods with low energy will do nothing but fill your belly, make you fat and toxic regardless of whether or not that food is on your diet. Believe it or don't.
Continue to eat those foods and there's a good chance you can even become sick. That's right sick, from the bad vibes. That's why I find it so important to say a little prayer over anything you put in your mouth... And if you are in a restaurant it's even more important. Who knows how the chief or the waiter is feeling. They may be pissed off at their wife or girl friend and be putting out bad vibrations all night and unconsciously be putting that vibration into your meal.
The food will eat your energy, instead of giving you energy. If you look at food as fuel and you're putting bad fuel in your car or machine of any kind you're going to get poor performance. Not only that, it's going to ware out sooner than you expect. That's why we change our oil; use a better grade of gas etc. Well the same is true with food. If you are eating poor quality food or the vibration of the food is low your going to have a bumpy ride.
Now how can one tell if the food has a good vibe or not?
There are a few simple guidelines to follow when it comes to food and energy:
1. Is the person in the store or restaurant helpful and friendly? This is the very first indication that the energy of a place is good, simple but true.
2. Do you see smiles on the faces of the people in the store or restaurant? A smile can change a low energy vibration to a high energy vibration instantly.
3. Take a good look at the other customers shopping around you. Do they seem happy or are they up tight over rushed or even down right nasty. They are not only an indication of the energy of the place, they are contributing to it.
4. Look at the quality of the food. How is displayed? Do the people that are serving you feel pride in what they are serving you or is it just a job. You don't want zombie energy around you they are energy suckers. I have a friend who believes that the energy in restaurants is so important that sometimes, depending on the energy of the server, he will ask them to bring him anything that they want to serve or would eat themselves. If the person is full of good energy this will instantly put that good energy into the food.
5. Do your deep breathing quiescent meditation every day to sharpen your internal skills you will become a magnet for good energy. Not only that you will learn how to pull more energy out of the food.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Wherever You Go, There You Are

Jenna was extremely unhappy, she had left her country and came to the States to visit and like most trips and adventures they started off with a lot of enthusiasm and after a short time one notices that they have gotten somewhat home sick, un-happy or even depressed if things aren't going how they thought they would.
The negativity had set in and she was hitting the wall on all three counts...
When I spoke to her she was telling me that she missed her friends, her classes and missed doing her Qi gong practices near the mountain.
She said "Dr. Wu I just want to be happy and I am not, I need to get out of here and go home."
I told her that year's ago when I was in Northeast part of China, previously known as Manchuria, I was studying Chinese medicine with a very famous doctor. Dr. Sun, who is considered to be one of the treasures of China. He gave me some advice that I will always remember.
It was early morning before dawn, we were in the park about to start our internal exercises training before seeing patients for the day and I started to grumble, "Professor Sun I am extremely home sick and long to practice my Qi Gong near the sea again".
He looked at me in a somewhat puzzled look and all he said to me was this. "Dr. Wu practice your Qi gong under a tree." And then he walked away.
His advice stuck with me for years and I still reflect on his very words.
"Practice your Qi Gong under a tree".
"Practice your Qi Gong under a tree".
"Practice your Qi Gong under a tree".
Jenny looked at me and asked for me to go on and explain what that meant. It's sort of like that expression.
"Where ever you go, there you are".
You can't run away from yourself. If you're happy you're happy. Ones happiness doesn't depend on where you are, what you're doing, or who you're with.
Happiness is a state of being.
If you're happy you're happy, you carry it with you where ever you go. Just do your practice it doesn't matter where you are your practice is internal.
These are the principles of the Qi Gong Inner Circle and in every Qigong and meditation class I teach.
Ones you learn the secrets you'll always come from the place of Happiness.
Your practice will increase your happiness and your personal power will attract the kind of situations that bring you what you want. Get involved sign up and you'll change your life for the better.
I wish you the best in Health, Wealth and Happiness