Monday, October 29, 2012

Patients They Have Breast Cancer

October is the celebration of life and cancer of the breast awareness month globally. This celebration is not only given significance by patients, survivors and their families and friends, but as well as medical practitioners and staff of Cancer alternative treatment centers. There are a lot of screening tests available to detect early breast cancer like self and clinical breast exams, mammogram and X-Rays.
We must take some considerations before; during and after delivering the sad news to them and breast cancer alternative treatment specialists helped us in explaining the following:
They have an idea what you're going to say. The primary reason why they asked for help and consulted is they wanted to be aware of status of their health. So they pretty much have an idea of what to expect. A different approach is needed for certain situations like patients who just wanted to have a general checkup and for patients rushed due to an emergency.
It's either bad or good news. If the individual is negative for breast cancer, it's much simpler delivering very good news. On the other hand be extra mindful and gentle in delivering the news that he/she is positive with this particular dreaded disease.
Avoid Medical Jargon. We ought to explain the cause, condition and cure by simplifying words and detailing it meticulously and precisely. Keep in mind that we're dealing with the second killer cancer globally (next to lung cancer) and not just any complication. We should not mix up words in order to avoid confusion.
Consult their family members first. For checkup and consultation situations, the patient ought to be informed as quickly as possible and it is their choice whether to disclose that information to their families and friends. But for emergency situations wherein the patient was rushed and was just diagnosed, it should be advised by the attending medical staff (the doctor to be very exact) to the immediate family about the situation of the patient.
Use reassuring statements. Medical practitioners should advise the patient and/or their loved ones the 3C's (cause, condition and cure) of the said condition. Upon conveying the disease's cause and condition, we should soon after make clear to them the cure. Assure them there exists alternative treatment for breast cancer as well as other options. Additionally, explain how much it might cost to prepare them not just emotionally but financially as well.
Second opinion doesn't mean you don't know what you do as a practitioner. It doesn't imply that you aren't sure that which you have figured out should you refer your patients to other specialists. Tell them that it is also their right as a patient to search for another opinion. It would not give them false hope, but instead it would allow them to have the reassurance that your findings truly are trustworthy.
Always give curative options. We should say to patients, their family and friends the latest innovation in breast cancer research and treatment procedures from cancer experts and oncologists, up to alternate breast cancer treatment nowadays.
It's not easy trying to explain to someone that they are in a situation where most people lose their lives, lose a part of their body, leave them broke, and almost make them give up. But why don't we also provide them with hope and sufficient information that there are still a large number of survivors from breast cancer who stood up and struggled against their disease not only for themselves but for their family. Let's start getting the news out especially the importance of breast self-exam and other early detection exams for breast cancer.

Monday, October 22, 2012

"National Chiropractic Health Month" in October

October is National Chiropractic Health Month. The American Chiropractic Association (ACA) and Doctors of Chiropractic (DC) across the nation annually recognize October as National Chiropractic Health Month with a unique focus each year. The ACA's theme this year is "Discover Chiropractic Health: Find Your Game" with a "focus on how everyone can take steps towards optimal health, wellness and functioning."
An estimated 21 million Americans use chiropractic care and the numbers are increasing. That is because regardless of age, medical background, or fitness level, chiropractic care has something for everyone. Chiropractic has helped millions get healthy, stay healthy, and greatly improve the quality of their lives.
Chiropractic care has many health benefits. It is used as proactive care to improve overall health and wellness, by athletes to strengthen and improve their game, and has been clinically proven in an abundant number of research studies to effectively and safely treat many medical conditions such as back and neck pain, headaches, sciatica, carpal tunnel, whiplash and car accident injuries, sports injuries, arthritis, and more. Chiropractic can help expecting mothers have a healthier pregnancy and delivery. It can help ease colic in infants. It can help people who are suffering from allergies and asthma. It can help relieve PMS and menopause symptoms. Chiropractic can improve digestion and elimination. It can improve sports performance. It can increase daily energy levels. And these are just a few of the many benefits of chiropractic care.
During National Chiropractic Health Month, chiropractors are encouraging people to set a new health goal. Whether it's improving your golf game, getting rid of a nagging pain, or just having more energy to devote to your family after work, chiropractic care can help with these goals.
A primary focus of chiropractic health is adjusting and maintaining the symmetry and alignment of the body. This gives the body balance and helps provide a foundation for a strong core. When the body is balanced and aligned, all organs and systems run more efficiently--and a more efficient body is a healthier, happier, more energized body.
Chiropractors provide holistic care. They integrate drug-free, nonsurgical treatment with nutrition education, exercise plans, and lifestyle counseling to provide their patients with a path to optimal success and an improved quality of life.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Reasons to Find a Saturday Dentist for Your Child

If you are looking for a dentist for your kids, you should find one with weekend hours. Many dentists these days are open for at least a few hours on Saturdays, and there are a few good reasons for this. Before you choose a new office to take care of the teeth of your children, find out why Saturday dentists tend to be convenient.
One of the best parts of dentists offering weekend hours is that they can usually get patients in the same day. This means if your child has a toothache Friday night or Saturday morning, you do not have to wait until Monday or beyond to get it looked at. You can simply call in the morning to have it taken care of that afternoon. Just make sure the dentist you choose offers not just weekend hours, but also same day appointments or even emergency walk in hours on the weekends. This will ensure your child does not have to suffer without getting the right procedure done quickly, or at least a temporary solution until treatment can be performed.
Kids who need lots of dental work may end up missing school frequently. Instead of taking your children out of school for the day or even just half a day, you should schedule an appointment with a dentist with weekend hours. This way, no school is missed, which means students do not have to fall behind on schoolwork just to get the dental care they need. Plus, you do not have to take time off work to take your children to their appointments when you get weekend hours at the dentist.
Even if these benefits do not appeal to you right now, you should look for a practitioner offering Saturday appointments. You never know when you will need this convenience. Toothaches can sneak up on anyone, even on kids who rarely get them and have mostly healthy teeth. You should be prepared just in case if you want to avoid having to watch your child in pain due to a tooth issue. If you work nontraditional hours and therefore do not need to worry about having to get time off for weekday appointments, you should still find a Saturday dentist in case your schedule ever changes.
Clearly, there are many reasons that there are dentists who work on Saturdays. This kind of schedule is convenient not just for adults, but also kids. This is why it makes sense to look for a practitioner who offers this.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Common Upper Back and Neck Injuries

Our neck is one of the parts of our body that is used a lot throughout the day and neck. Our neck is extremely flexible but due to the lack of any form of muscle support, it has to bear the weight and stress of our head, placing it at a high risk of injury. Any forms of sudden impact can cause serious injuries and damages to the ligaments. Our spine runs from our back to the neck and it communicates with the entire body by sending nerve signals. One thing that many people fail to recognise is that pain in the arm could be a sign that something is wrong with the neck and not the arm itself since nerve signals are sent through the body. What are some of the common upper back and neck injuries experienced by many?
Muscle sprain
A muscle sprain occurs when there is an injury to the connective tissues called the ligaments either due to sudden twisting motions or injuries such as falls. Some common symptoms of a muscle sprain includes pain, swelling and a loss of flexibility in that region. Depending on the cause, it can be mild or severe.
Muscle strain
The main difference between a strain and a sprain is that strain is an injury to the muscle. Muscle strain can occur due to reasons such as improper posture while lifting a heavy object. Similar to a neck sprain, symptoms of muscle strain includes pain, swelling and loss of flexibility as well as muscle spasm, indicating an injury to the muscle.
Cricked neck
A cricked neck or stiff neck occurs due to prolonged non movement in a certain position such as sleeping or long hours of improper posture while using the computer. It is often due to muscle spasm and can usually be treated with a hot or cold pack.
Whiplash is a common neck injury to the tendons, muscles and ligaments of the neck due to a sudden force which causes the neck to be moved beyond its range of motion. Some common situations include a vehicle accident whereby a sudden braking motion or an impact after being hit by the car in front or behind, causing the neck to be extended beyond its intended range.
Muscle irritation
Our shoulder is attached by large muscles to the shoulder blade and they can be easily irritated when it is exposed to cyclic loading over a prolonged period of time, causing pain, swelling and strains.
Injuries are often due to sudden impact that causes a strain or sprain to the ligaments and tendons, causing injuries and pain to the patient. The chances of injuries can be reduced by taking proper precautions such as protective sportswear and safe driving techniques.