Monday, October 1, 2012

Common Upper Back and Neck Injuries

Our neck is one of the parts of our body that is used a lot throughout the day and neck. Our neck is extremely flexible but due to the lack of any form of muscle support, it has to bear the weight and stress of our head, placing it at a high risk of injury. Any forms of sudden impact can cause serious injuries and damages to the ligaments. Our spine runs from our back to the neck and it communicates with the entire body by sending nerve signals. One thing that many people fail to recognise is that pain in the arm could be a sign that something is wrong with the neck and not the arm itself since nerve signals are sent through the body. What are some of the common upper back and neck injuries experienced by many?
Muscle sprain
A muscle sprain occurs when there is an injury to the connective tissues called the ligaments either due to sudden twisting motions or injuries such as falls. Some common symptoms of a muscle sprain includes pain, swelling and a loss of flexibility in that region. Depending on the cause, it can be mild or severe.
Muscle strain
The main difference between a strain and a sprain is that strain is an injury to the muscle. Muscle strain can occur due to reasons such as improper posture while lifting a heavy object. Similar to a neck sprain, symptoms of muscle strain includes pain, swelling and loss of flexibility as well as muscle spasm, indicating an injury to the muscle.
Cricked neck
A cricked neck or stiff neck occurs due to prolonged non movement in a certain position such as sleeping or long hours of improper posture while using the computer. It is often due to muscle spasm and can usually be treated with a hot or cold pack.
Whiplash is a common neck injury to the tendons, muscles and ligaments of the neck due to a sudden force which causes the neck to be moved beyond its range of motion. Some common situations include a vehicle accident whereby a sudden braking motion or an impact after being hit by the car in front or behind, causing the neck to be extended beyond its intended range.
Muscle irritation
Our shoulder is attached by large muscles to the shoulder blade and they can be easily irritated when it is exposed to cyclic loading over a prolonged period of time, causing pain, swelling and strains.
Injuries are often due to sudden impact that causes a strain or sprain to the ligaments and tendons, causing injuries and pain to the patient. The chances of injuries can be reduced by taking proper precautions such as protective sportswear and safe driving techniques.

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